Portfolio Series

Listed here are our three most popular portfolio series. We have other portfolios, including a retirement-oriented series, especially customized for clients. We’ll help you find a portfolio that addresses your specific investment objectives.

DFA/EFS Core Series

Our flagship series, the Efficient Frontier Series (EFS), is a group of portfolios created with OBS Financial’s expertise and utilizing Dimensional Fund Advisors asset class mutual funds. The EFS portfolios are highly diversified, capturing the dynamics of multiple asset classes – both domestically and globally – including equities, fixed income, and exposure to the REIT market. Depending on the weighting of the portfolio, the Dimensional funds provide exposure in a range from11,000 to over 12,000 individual equity positions. Fixed income credit quality is P1/A1+AAA and AA/A – all high quality – and duration is short with a weighted average maturity of less than five years.

Portfolios are extremely cost-efficient, as well as tax-efficient. Funds are all Institutional Share classes with low internal expense ratios. (Review prospectus for further detail.) Portfolios experience low turnover, reducing tax consequences and trade friction. Portfolios are tilted toward small capitalization and value stocks to capture a premium return in the marketplace. The portfolios are structured using Modern Portfolio Theory and complying with the Prudent Investor rules. Essentially, these portfolios capture global capitalism for the end client at a low cost while being fully diversified.

DFA/EFS Enhanced International Series

A variation of the Efficient Frontier Series, the DFA/EFS Enhanced International Series of portfolios is constructed similarly to our Core Series. As the name implies, this series adds greater exposure to international markets. Specifically, the allocation to international markets is increased from 30 percent to 40 percent.

DFA/EFS Income Portfolio

The overall investment objective of the DFA/EFS Income portfolio is to maximize total return by providing the investor a steady stream of income. The portfolio has the ability to invest in a full range of investment grade bonds with extended maturities. Diversity is maintained by investing in various types of government and corporate issues of varying quality, geographical region, and maturity. Paired with our DFA/EFS Core Series, the Income portfolio adds a greater income component for the investor.